Allegory of the Cave

Plato was born in 428–427 BC in Athens. He was the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle. He was a Greek philosopher well known for his dialectics approaches of reality. Plato demonstrates at the enlightment of the human being to the ultimate reality of life and which has its own purpose. The parable demonstrates that the human mind is capable to great things, the men tied to the chains are like those individuals who have been driven by society and their parents to look and follow that piece of reality that has been inheritated by their forefathers people generally are followers and encourage to follow the natural path in life and that is something that is with them till they die.
Knowledge is the base of thinking from a broad spectrum. The person who was freed from his chains was first made to stand and then look at the raised platform and the fire that was the source of life to all living in the cave. The person doing so is first in a condition of disequilibrium, where his knowledge is tested with his beliefs and morals that were his from the day he was born. A person who is in a condition such as this has to make various decisions to either accept the ultimate reality or to go back to his chains.
A person derived outside the cave discovers the sun is dazzled with its light. But seeing the real animals and plants would make him see that what he saw in the cave was only a small part of reality that he saw and had lived with. An enlightened person is a changed person. He has the power to be a great leader who has seen the ultimate reality and is enriched with the beauty of the ultimate reality. He recalls what wisdom and knowledge the cave offered him that is something not likely to be remarked at all. The people of the cave are indeed the people who are not enlightened with the glory of the reality all the wisdom they can offer and suffice is to predict the pattern of the shadows and the puppets that have gone by the cave and that person would be regarded as the most wiser of all reality and all the reality. But the person who is enlightened with the ultimate reality would not care for all. He would enjoy the gifts and wonders which the ultimate reality has to offer.  The wisdom, the fruits and the knowledge that it has to be offered.  But in the end an enlightened person is also an educated person who is unselfish. He would come and share the reality with his mates. A person doing so will be called a deceiver from his friends and mates and is not accepted with his knowledge, he is generally laughed upon by his friends and mates therefore he is made a fun. But still he is a person from the cave and is seen the ultimate light and can in no way compete with them in a contest of having measuring the objects in term of their image and size. The person who is has seen the ultimate reality would be the forger of the people. But another person realised from the chain is not valid to be doing such an act.

The person enlightened has to deliver the truth to the people of the society and it you that mean can only be achieved with the education of the society and the must do all they can to support that. Even if the cost of that is death   


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