
According to Ali (2009) the syllabus that he laid down is named after him as Dars-e –Nizami a land mark in the history of teaching of Islamic sciences in India. This curriculum laid greater emphasis on the study of logic, philosophy and other sciences and become the most popular curriculum across the India subcontinent. While it was revolutionary for its time. The prevalence today of a curriculum the predates the industrial revolution might be deemed anachronistic.
Pakistani Madrassha even today use man of the Dars-e-Nizami texts which have their roots in the faranigi, mahal madrassah established in lucknow by Mullah Nizam – al- din Muhammad. Old Arabic and Persian books written in the AD 1500 or even before are used to teach languages. Anzar(2003,p 16) characterizes the curriculum as follow.
The students are made to memorize the rhymed couplets from the ancient texts as well as their explanations. As the explanations in a number of texts are in Persian, Which is also memorized the student generally fails to apply his/her knowledge to the living language. Some ancient texts, such as the Mizbah-ul- nahu are explained in Urdu, but in this case the Urdu is much arabicized. The explanation is scholastic and would not be understood by, let alone convince, somebody who is not familiar with the special branch of medieval Islamic philosophy on which it is based in addition, many of the madrasahs teach Muallimul Insha which is written by an Indian Alim, which is a response to modernity .in this book history begins with the fall of Spain in the hands of Moorish prince Traik Bin Zaid. It also states that the English were always the enemies of the Muslims and advice that Muslim should adopt certain behaviors to challenge the modern advances that may encroach upon a Muslims identity.
Ali,H.S., (2009). Islam and Education: Conflict and conformity in Pakistan’s Madrassahs.
Karachi: Oxford University Press.


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