Islamic Idealogy and Education

Islamic Ideology
Meaning of Ideology.
The question before us is "What is Islamic Ideology"?
Ideology is, as we know, a philosophical term meaning the ‘Science of Ideas’. ‘Idea’ is again a very comprehensive term. It is unnecessary for our present purpose to go into the details of the term. Suffice it to say that ‘Idea’ means a basic concept, and that the basic concepts on which any ‘system’ is built constitutes its ‘Ideology’. The word ideology is came from major two words “idea” and the second one is“logy”.Both these words contain the meaning “better thinking about their Lives”. Which is define as“Ideology is a set of beliefs, values and ideas of a nation, set of principles of their social and political framework of action and guidance systems that gives order and meaning to life and human action”
Concept of ideology:-

The concept of ideology is based on Islam which is a fundamental part of outlining the policy in every field of Muslims life. Islam gives systematic cover to the life of Muslims in all kind conditions or situations of practical life with safety boundaries. It rely for support and use with “on” and upon” for social, behavioral, political, religious and all socially professional basic principals of atmosphere. Islamic system is build on Quran pak and Ahadees of Holy prophet (p.b.u.h)
· Faith
Religion is based on a conception of God which is the creation of man’s own imagination. To understand the Essence of God; and to know what He is, is beyond the scope of human intellect. What we can understand, however, are His laws which pertain to our development. The laws have been preserved in the Holy Quran. Those who follow them develop and go ahead: those who contravene them are deprived of growth like the seed which happens to be buried under hard soil.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "On the Day of Resurrection, I will intercede and say, 'O my Lord! Admit into Paradise (even) those who have faith equal to a mustard seed in their hearts.'" - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Hadith 600

The Quranic term for the principle according to which one should lead his life is Kalema qualified with the word tayyib. The meaning of tayyib generally is pleasant. But when used to qualify a tree, it refers to a tree which bears fine fruit. Says the Holy Quran:
"Kalerna-e-tayvib is like a shajare tavvib, the roots of which hold the soil deep and firm, whose branches spread out in the sky high and wide and which bears fruit perpetually in conformity with God’s laws" (14/24).
Islamic Ideology, therefore, consists of never-changing principles or concepts of life capable of evolving, unhampered by the limitation of Time and Space, a universal social order for the good of humanity at large.
Islam is based on : the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is His servant and messenger.(Bukhari, Muslim).
· Respect man as man.
Every human being is accountable to respect other human being.
Says the Holy Quran:
"And verily we have made children of Adam deserving of respect" (17/70).
The verse makes no distinction between black and white, poor and opulent, believer and unbeliever, caste or creed, but is of general application embracing one and all of the human species.
What distinguishes man from other animals is the gift which every child gets at birth from God, namely human Personality, The respect is, in fact, due to human Personality, the basic characteristic of which is freedom and it is every soul’s freedom that has to be recognized and honored.
People from the time of Adam onwards are as equal as the teeth of a comb. Arabs are not superior to non Arabs, nor are Redskinned people better than Blacks. No superiority or virtue exists except in terms of Piety.
· Humanity is one
Says the Holy Quran:
"That which benefits humanity as a whole, endures on this earth. (13/17).
To bring about universal brotherhood of man mere expressions of good-will, amity and tolerance won’t do; it requires a dynamic social order, built on the basis of Permanent Values to realize it. And the first and the foremost objective which the Quranic Social Order or an Islamic State has in view, is the interest of the entire humanity and molding it into one in-divisible whole.
The Muslim is he from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe, and the Emigrant is he who abandons what Allah has prohibited. (Bukhari).
· Human freedom.
No individual shall enforce his will on another; all will obey voluntarily the revealed laws of Allah through the agency of an Islamic State which undertakes to enforce those laws.
Says the Holy Quran:
"No one whom Allah has given a code of law and authority to enforce the law and whom He has favored with Revelation. shall tell people ‘Obey me’ and not Allah, but will say that through obedience to the Book, which you read and study. You should help nourish one another." (3:78)
Free is he who hasn’t to toe another’s line but obeys, out of his own free will, laws of Allah and such of man-made laws as conform to those laws.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "God has revealed to me that you must be humble, so that no one oppresses another and boasts over another." - Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 2294
· Co-operation.
Man shall live a life of cooperation with fellow men and not a secluded life.
The Quranic injunction is
"Co-operate in what will add to life’s richness and help safeguard God’s laws, and co-operate not in slackening or going beyond those laws" (5/2).
Co-operation will, however, be in matters which help man’s development. Willing cooperation by one helps him integrate his Personality; working under duress disintegrates it. Unhealthy social order not only condones duress but encourages it by applying the lever of want. Islamic Social Order, on the other hand, makes itself responsible to see that no citizen is stranded by non-fulfillment of wants and is thereby exposed to duress.
Volume 9, Book 93, Number 473:
Narrated Jarir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said, "Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind."
· Justice.
The Holy Book says:
"Verily Allah ordains justice" (16/90).
Honoring of Rights is justice. Take what is your due and nothing more: give with full measure what is due to others: where there are more than one contestant, every one of them should get his due and nothing less. Justice gives confidence and security. Every citizen has a right to be provided with work, basic necessities of life and means of development of his Personality. Islamic Social Order assumes the three-fold responsibility and discharges it, as best as it can, with due regard to the inviolable principle of justice.
“He (Allah) has set up the balance (of justice), in order that ye may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance.
· Restoring disturbed proportions.
The Quran ordains:
"Verily Allah ordains justice and restoration of disturbed proportions’ (16/90)
Ehsaan is derived from husn which is beauty or proportion. In nature there is beauty and proportion everywhere: so it beholds men own self as well as things around or about him. Proportion might be disturbed here and there. Islamic Social Order cannot stand disturbance and tries to restore proportion without delay in accordance with the Inviolable Principle of Ehsaan. Old age, illness, accident, additions to family, etc., strains .the family income. Unless the deficiency is made good in time suffering must follow. By assuming the responsibility for supplying the basic needs of citizens an Islamic State is always prepared to make up the deficiency and to restore the disturbed equilibrium in the life of the family concerned. The reaction of the State is equally prompt if and when similar disturbances of proportion might occur in national affairs.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1325
· Consultation.
The Holy Quran says:
"And they determine their affairs by mutual consultation" (42:38).
That is, consultation at all levels, in petty affairs concerning individuals or in matters of national or international importance.
Islamic Social Order is essentially democratic with the rider that discussions shall always respect the Quranic fundamentals and never infringes them.
The Holy Quran concerns itself mainly with broad principles of life and very little with detailed instructions. The underlying plan is, as explained by the Holy Book itself, that Muslims in all ages and inhabiting different parts of the world should be free, within the ambit of the Quranic fundamentals, to determine details to suit their particular circumstances.
Islamic State accepts Quranic principles as its basis and keeping them in view, frames by the method of consultation and discussion, whatever laws are needed to meet new situations as they develop from time to time in different ages and localities. Present day democratic legislatures are bound solely and wholly by the rule of the majority, which is liable to change with every change in the political atmosphere. Islamic legislatures, on the other hand, stand on the bed-rock of Inviolable Quranic Principles and from that firm pedestal set themselves whole-heartedly to the task of framing laws for serving the best interests of the people.
It is not a sixth or a tenth of a man's devotion which is acceptable to God, but only such portions thereof as he offereth with understanding and true devotional spirit.

· Pooling of surpluses.
Pooling of individual surpluses for the good of all is a Permanent Value. The Quranic injunction is:
"And keep open what is surplus to needs for us in the way of Allah" (2/195)
Infaaq is derived from nafq which means a tunnel or a covered passage with both ends open. Wealth comes in at one end, stays inside while it is being used to provide needs of the earner, but through the other end the surplus remains available for use for collective purposes.
The Prophet said: "Give (regular charity) out of your property, for truly it is a purifier, and be kind to your relatives and acknowledge the rights of the poor, neighbors and (those in need who seek your help)." - Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 3
Man-made social orders feel unconcerned or helpless and leave the situation to seek its own adjustment. The result is misery for many and luxury for a few, the latter trying always to perpetuate and even enhance the disparity. Islamic Social Order, on the other hand, tackles the situation boldly and rationally, pools the surpluses and uses them to bring about social equilibrium.
· Islamic State.
Says the Holy Quran:
"You are a dynamic society drawn out for the good of mankind, you enforce the recognized (lawful) and prohibit the unrecognized (unlawful) and have faith in (the laws of) Allah - (3/109).
The existence among mankind of a people who will, subject to the Inviolable Principles of the Holy Quran, champion freedom of individual will, enforce respect for law, and stop unlawful activities with a stern hand, is one of the Inviolable Principles.
Brotherhood of the human race is a charming idea. But it cannot be achieved by verbal professions of high sounding slogans, in the name of tolerance and religious amity. The effective method for establishing universal brotherhood of man is that a social order should be created on the basis of universal principles, that it should adopt those principles in practical life and that it should then become a living nucleus for gathering people around and realizing the dream of oneness of humanity. This dynamic social nucleus will generate centrifugal forces out of freedom of will and its achievements. It will recognize no criterion for merit other than what an individual actually is.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Shake hands and rancor will disappear. Give presents to each other and love each other and enmity will disappear." - Al-Muwatta, Volume 47, Hadith 16

1. Islamic Ideology connotes the sum total of Permanent Values or Inviolable Principles which have been preserved in their complete and final form in the Holy Quran and Hadees.
2. that Islamic Ideology is another name for Permanent Values or Inviolable Principles elaborated in the Holy Quran;
3. that an Islamic State is established for the sole purpose of introducing Permanent Values in life;
4. that the first and foremost duty of an Islamic State is to provide means for the growth and development of the human body as well as Personality; and
5. That a State is known to be Islamic from its being a symbol of Divine Attributes detailed in the holy Quran.


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